Saturday, July 17, 2010

I Want That My Garden Looks Like More Ancient, What Now?.

One day not so long ago this crazy idea just came on my mind. I want to my garden looks same like in old movies and pictures.And then new adventure starts. Setting up a ancient garden does not have to be difficult? I'm sure in one thing,when someone else is building always seems easy, am I right? But in reality you just have to make certain to take your time, have patience, and make sure that you are as informed and knowledgeable on the issue as possible before undertaking the project. Of course if you are going to go with a 17th century garden (for me very old garden design) the basics are going to remain the same regardless of what extras you add in, however it is these extras which are going to make your garden your own, unlike everyone else’s. For that reason, when it comes to choosing your specific very old garden, you really have to make sure that you make it personal and that you choose elements which are going to mean something distinctive to you and which you find attractive.

If there's any reason you are involved in this type of works the elements that you are going to want to have structure your garden and really be the main focus overall then are obviously going to be of a 17th century "very old" style, and then from there you are going to want to pick and choose different smaller elements which are more individualized. For example you may want to put large rustic and ancient flowerpots end-to-end the garden, as this will give the garden a more classic and older overall visual aspect, and as well you may want to consider having an old gazebo somewhere in the garden as well. The cases of flowers and plants that you use in your very old garden are also very important, as you should to stick to more traditional flowers such as tulips, roses and chrysanthemums in this style of garden, and as for plants, you will want ones such as vines and deciduous trees, as these will also help to give the garden a more eclectic and conventional feel.

When you are making with your own ancient garden, the last thing that you can really do is to stick to the basics too much and not personalize it enough. After all, although it’s essential for you to follow the directions in order to make your garden as real as possible, at the same time you want to make sure that you have fun and that you use creativity and individuality. Dont rush, have patience, and enjoy yourself throughout this work, because it can really be a lot of fun, and you can spend a lot of time working on a garden such as this.

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