Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Design Your Own Garden

If you have lucky an just moved into a new house, and you want to totally redesign your yard. Or maybe you've lived in your home awhile, but you're ready for a new gardening and landscaping look. Whichever the case may be, here are a few simple tips for planning your home garden...

Firstly, size up your yard. Considerations will include the slope of the land; amount of sun; natural water drainage; activities, including play areas, parking and walking; the climate you live in and the existing structures, including the house.Walk around your yard with a clipboard or notebook, making notes as you go. Mark any slopes, areas that are shaded, bare areas, etc. Then draw up a rough plan of your yard, trying to make the house and other structures as close to scale as possible.

Remember that your house is still the center of attention. Your garden is there to complement it. So choose plants that help create balance, add interest, and go well with your home's design. The colors of your house, for example, can help you choose the colors of your flowering plants.
Work with what you have now. Incorporate current characteristics into your plan as much as possible. A natural slope, for example, may be the perfect place to put a waterfall and pond, or perhaps some stone steps.
Consider the final size. When considering plants or trees for a given area, be aware of the size they will grow to. This will keep you from placing large trees too close to the house, for example, or overshadowing your house with a huge, showy bush.Look into plants that are natural to the area you live in. They will be healthier, and you will have less work to do. Drive around, and note what plants do well in your area. Get general ideas, but don't copy any one yard too closely.Plan labor saving tips into your design for low-maintenance gardening. Your primary work will be weeding, watering and cutting. The design elements below can save you time and effort later.

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